Yoz. Now it's school hols already. Since venice already suggested about the class outing, anyone of you want to have a class outing? I know there is a lot of homework. But I am just asking. Since Venice suggests liao. So yea? Ok.
That's for now.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
=.="EvErY MovE u MaKE i CaN SeE tHru ThEM iS ItWEEIrD iF wE tYPE lIkE dIs lolx
holidays liao now every1 rmd do hw and exercise half hour daily:) and play com (u nid a break) also this holidays is a time for us to revise certain stuff we are not clear abt .....I nOe U tHiNk u kNoW hU I aM !!No i aM nOt tHE bOX oF cEReaL U aTE tOdAy i aM nOt The PeICe of pApEr U sCrIBBled On yTd =.=" i am
u can find my name in the above hidden in the pile of rAnDoM WoRdS
holidays liao now every1 rmd do hw and exercise half hour daily:) and play com (u nid a break) also this holidays is a time for us to revise certain stuff we are not clear abt .....I nOe U tHiNk u kNoW hU I aM !!No i aM nOt tHE bOX oF cEReaL U aTE tOdAy i aM nOt The PeICe of pApEr U sCrIBBled On yTd =.=" i am
u can find my name in the above hidden in the pile of rAnDoM WoRdS
Saturday, May 30, 2009
wenjing here
Lol! Popping in to say hi. Jus realise we posted 77 posts. Tat is quite an accomplishment since to some of you is a dead (x.x) blog. Well, if some of u haven't clear ur stuffs on the 1st floor classroom, pls clear it during the hols. Cos we are moving up soon after the hols n we wouldn't want to be in a rush. So yeah. :)
Happy hols to you and remember to finish ur assignment if not our teachers will be unhappy. You wouldn't want that to happen. X(
Guess I will stop here for now for an announcement. Ok. Bye. Wenjing
Happy hols to you and remember to finish ur assignment if not our teachers will be unhappy. You wouldn't want that to happen. X(
Guess I will stop here for now for an announcement. Ok. Bye. Wenjing
well i guess u guys shl be sleeping le :D
haha /: nt lk me (: ltr hv PANDA EYES!haha
okay,nvm.Just dropped in 2 say HI l:
dats random :D
hmm,well just wana say everyone have did their best in ur studies,
even if u r de last,its okay.
dun gv up! :D haha
okay g2g,NITE NITE!
n tagged n linked my blog!!!!
well i guess u guys shl be sleeping le :D
haha /: nt lk me (: ltr hv PANDA EYES!haha
okay,nvm.Just dropped in 2 say HI l:
dats random :D
hmm,well just wana say everyone have did their best in ur studies,
even if u r de last,its okay.
dun gv up! :D haha
okay g2g,NITE NITE!
n tagged n linked my blog!!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
new things to add on the class blog
hi everyone there.i am li ning.i am here to ask u all whether wan to add these thing to the class blog?the first one is a all new chat box.u all can see the example on my blog.but i will also put the url on it.after putting it onto my blog,i like it very much.the second one is a hit counter.it is animated.the examples is also on my blog.if u all like the examples on my blog,pls tell me on the thing itself.(refering to the xat chat box)
now here is the url:
the chatbox: http://www.xat.com
the hitcounter:http://www.histats.com
li ning
now here is the url:
the chatbox: http://www.xat.com
the hitcounter:http://www.histats.com
li ning
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Downloading The MS Publisher
HI, one loyalty friends.FOR those who cannot find a website to download the MS publisher 2007,try this website to download.http://www.toggle.com/lv/group/view/kl46468/Microsoft_Office_Publisher.htm
li ning
li ning
Thursday, May 21, 2009
how to do geog project?????? 4 ms 2007 word
geog project template.
ms word 2007 users........
click on the upper left hand corner button
click new.......
type brochure on the search thing and u will find it...
then download n u can use
by loyal tech baby
ms word 2007 users........
click on the upper left hand corner button
click new.......
type brochure on the search thing and u will find it...
then download n u can use
by loyal tech baby
hehehehe x)
hehe everybody eh as u can see...the votes for the class tee is 38...hehe my sis purposely vote for white n i can't stop her =.=''' sorry for the inconvenience caused XD
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Hello guys! :)
Yoz! Venice here. It's my first time posting here so I'm kinda excited. As all of you know, the June holidays are approaching so I have an idea which I would like to tell you guys. During the holidays, after all the boring holiday homework is done...finally, maybe we loyalty babies can meet up as a whole class to sort of celebrate. I know it's kinda lame but it's something we can do to bond and get to know one another more because I realise that although it's been 6 months but we still don't know a lot about some of the classmates. So? How's the suggestion? It's ok if you think this idea is dumb because I think it's not what we 13 year olds want to do as we wanna feel grown up. Anyway, just give it a thought.:) I got to go. I will be back soon though. See ya guys!:)
Friday, May 15, 2009
"10 Things I Hate About You" [The MOVIE]
Alright ppl.
im back, again -.-
But this is qinlin.
I just finished watching "10 things I hate about you".
Continued from where Mrs. G stopped at during the Literature class...
Quite a good recommandation =]
Kinda cool =] to me...
So watch it too over the weekends since there's not much homework=]
Enjoy =)
im back, again -.-
But this is qinlin.
I just finished watching "10 things I hate about you".
Continued from where Mrs. G stopped at during the Literature class...
Quite a good recommandation =]
Kinda cool =] to me...
So watch it too over the weekends since there's not much homework=]
Enjoy =)
qL here... again!!
Hey Earthlinqqss =]
JIA-YOU ppl =]
I'll be setting up a "up-coming tests" column and pls help if i left out any tests kk??
Love u all =]
AND bon voyage nai xin =]
JIA-YOU ppl =]
I'll be setting up a "up-coming tests" column and pls help if i left out any tests kk??
Love u all =]
AND bon voyage nai xin =]
Monday, May 11, 2009
Winnie Here!
hi guys. im here to keep the blog alive. oh btw.grace,hows the progress of the class tee going on?i am super duper looking forward to wearing it.n everyone studying for tests?haiss.JiaYou!im also working hard like u :D and do u noe SR Nathan came to our blog?very nice of him(being scarastic)<--mind me for wrong spelling.kays.i think the class blog is rather well maintained n updated.keep up the good job my friends.end of post.i gtg.bye!btw.i changed my url to..go n see the links n u will noe.bye! 1 loyalty rocks!
No sch!!! ^^
wanrong hre! ^^
2dae thre is no sch!!! yeah!! lols:) everyone stayin at home playin com arh?? haha. tmr nid pass up hmwk le...
anyways juz a reminder 4 ppl hu haven started their ACC project cause i found out that sum of u guys haven start on it(orrh hor...:p)....
O.O n last of all, wish u guys hv a happy day today stayin at home relaxin....cause tmr hv sch le!!!
2dae thre is no sch!!! yeah!! lols:) everyone stayin at home playin com arh?? haha. tmr nid pass up hmwk le...
anyways juz a reminder 4 ppl hu haven started their ACC project cause i found out that sum of u guys haven start on it(orrh hor...:p)....
O.O n last of all, wish u guys hv a happy day today stayin at home relaxin....cause tmr hv sch le!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
qL ^@^ says: It's MOTHER'S DAY today!!
Hey ppl =))
I guess u ppl are "xiao shun" enough to rmb wat BIG day izit today, ryt??
Bring my wishes to ur Mummy kk??
qL♥ wishes all mothers:
and of coz...
to Mrs Lim too =]=]
I guess u ppl are "xiao shun" enough to rmb wat BIG day izit today, ryt??
Bring my wishes to ur Mummy kk??
qL♥ wishes all mothers:
and of coz...
to Mrs Lim too =]=]
Saturday, May 9, 2009
clarification for the heart
hi babies,
u need to study both sides of the heart. dunno why e pic came out only can see half...mayb too big. so juz click on e pic n then save e whole heart pic to study okie.:)
mrs lim ol
u need to study both sides of the heart. dunno why e pic came out only can see half...mayb too big. so juz click on e pic n then save e whole heart pic to study okie.:)
mrs lim ol
The cross-section of the heart
Xin Ni Here
Jiayou 4 the coming tests.
Is it just learn the right side of the heart? or the whole heart?
Btw, Study hard^^
And I dun want the blog to die.
Gd LUCK!!!
Jiayou 4 the coming tests.
Is it just learn the right side of the heart? or the whole heart?
Btw, Study hard^^
And I dun want the blog to die.
Gd LUCK!!!
Samantha here ^^
Hii all loyalties~
Jiayous 4 e tests ^^
(i forgot to bring bak my science file...)
study hard~
Dun worrie B Happie^^
Jiayous 4 e tests ^^
(i forgot to bring bak my science file...)
study hard~
Dun worrie B Happie^^
wanrong hre
kk, i posting to tell ppl 4rom 1 loyalty to stay happy!!! dun duell over unhappy things n ermm....once again gd luck 4 the coming tests!!! lols....nth 2 say le...anyways the person hu post that the blog is goin to die thingy, its very scary lehs... this blog is 4 us to keep happy..i dun think shuld post 'sad' things...lols...u cn always put it in the tagboard...zzzzzz...(thats juz my opinion) n ppl,yah pls post lorh...we shld b happy tat thre is 51 posts le lehs!!! :))) SMILE ALWAYS!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Hi loyaltians this is a computer generated message from your sad class blog and not some kind of joke: Dear loyaltians today is my 8th day left on earth unless i can get 20 posts which are not stupid messages or dumb spamming i will die in 8 days my URL will be deleted from internet explorer OMG please save me or kill me either will do...cuz its okie im jus a classblogggggg
Thursday, May 7, 2009

A sad story of a sad blog: hello i am a blog from oneloyalty ,when i was first created people posted a lot people, spam the tagboard a lot... i was elated and treasured every word posted on my face ...then the world changed, no one gave a !@#$% about me...no one posted...no one tagged ...i was desperate... dissapointed...at that point i was contemplating suicide, i was on the verge of suicide. But a few people would not leave me dying they desperately tried to make me alive by posting and tagging but it was not helping...i am on my last few days of my life dear loyaltians my sad life is about to end loyaltians in a desperate attempt to stay alive i just hope u guys will keep the blog alive before i die....................
from:your sad class blog
long weekend homework
1 Loyalty,
Please learn the following terms related to the heart ie. where each part is, how to spell etc by this long weekend.
Will give you all a spelling test as well as some simple labeling questions during lesson next Wed (13/5).
Please learn the following terms related to the heart ie. where each part is, how to spell etc by this long weekend.
Will give you all a spelling test as well as some simple labeling questions during lesson next Wed (13/5).
mrs lim ol
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
chicken ala carte video
wanrong hre!!! 4 those hu cannot find the video, i hv posted it. :) it was touching...watched it over n over again...
Hello people, it is my birthday & Gary's birthday today! :D
Okay, this is not my intention of posting. The main thing, is to let you all choose a blogskin. (1) Click on the url (2) preview the blogskin(3) make a choice (4) vote for the one you like! Hopefully, everyone votes.
For your information, the blogskinners chose titles that are mostly unrelated to the blogskin. SO I would appreciate it if you clicked on every link before making a choice. Thank you very much, 1 loyalty classmates.
1. Swirls by exquisite♥
2. DespairandHope by DayBefore!Misery
3. Like A Knife by tuesdaynight
4. Addicted by runningtoyou.
5. 15 by thebikiniboy
6. Sleek&Clean by fourth!romance
Next week, i'll view the poll results. The one with the most votes will be changed to that. But before that, i will ask the class again. Any problems?
Anyway, I did not come to school today as I am feeling unwell. Extremely unwell to be exact. Headache, fever, cough, flu, sore throat. Symptoms of swine flu, excuse me! O: Wish me luck aye. Such a sad thing. It is my birthday & i cannot even celebrate it :(Okay, this is not my intention of posting. The main thing, is to let you all choose a blogskin. (1) Click on the url (2) preview the blogskin(3) make a choice (4) vote for the one you like! Hopefully, everyone votes.
For your information, the blogskinners chose titles that are mostly unrelated to the blogskin. SO I would appreciate it if you clicked on every link before making a choice. Thank you very much, 1 loyalty classmates.
1. Swirls by exquisite♥
2. DespairandHope by DayBefore!Misery
3. Like A Knife by tuesdaynight
4. Addicted by runningtoyou.
5. 15 by thebikiniboy
6. Sleek&Clean by fourth!romance
Next week, i'll view the poll results. The one with the most votes will be changed to that. But before that, i will ask the class again. Any problems?
Hi people!!!!having e.lit now :Dnot supposed to blog ;Dkk.whatever..keeping tis post short.erm..spammer,can u pls dun spam?afterall,dis is our class blog.kk?mrs g looking at me..i nid to shut down com le..Post again..BYE friends!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
dear 1Loyalty babies,
i agree with some of u that e class blog now is abit too messy, with things getting changed or added in almost everyday. also some of content in the posts shd belong to e tagboard instead cos they r questions directed at some ppl in class. i thk u all shd only post content that gives an account of sth tt happened in sch or class, like writing a diary, not some random chats or qns. u can post relevant pics too together with ur narration, like e noticeboard if u thk it's well done? or e brooms n dustpan corner, if u thk it's untidy?
the purpose of giving the userid and password to everyone in class is for ownership, cos i believe each of u have an impt role to play in the class. so do exercise discretion when posting. also, like grace said, leave ur real name aft u post as not all of us knows ur nickname.
so far, i'm agreeable w the idea of the birthday chart (or sth like tt) that venice is going to do n put up on the blog.
happy blogging!
mrs lim ol
i agree with some of u that e class blog now is abit too messy, with things getting changed or added in almost everyday. also some of content in the posts shd belong to e tagboard instead cos they r questions directed at some ppl in class. i thk u all shd only post content that gives an account of sth tt happened in sch or class, like writing a diary, not some random chats or qns. u can post relevant pics too together with ur narration, like e noticeboard if u thk it's well done? or e brooms n dustpan corner, if u thk it's untidy?
the purpose of giving the userid and password to everyone in class is for ownership, cos i believe each of u have an impt role to play in the class. so do exercise discretion when posting. also, like grace said, leave ur real name aft u post as not all of us knows ur nickname.
so far, i'm agreeable w the idea of the birthday chart (or sth like tt) that venice is going to do n put up on the blog.
happy blogging!
mrs lim ol
I thought that you all would use your common sense and ask any class committee member to add in other stuffs or change the blogskin.
Rules and regulations will be updated at the sidebar later on or something.
Rules and regulations will be updated at the sidebar later on or something.
- Put your name at the end of the post
- Ask for permission before editing the skin (including adding other stuffs)
- Do not change anything in this blog
- Homework board, just add in the neccesary details
- Do not spam
- Show respect and do not create trouble online
Monday, May 4, 2009
im here to tell you guys. i changed my blog le;D
please retagged me ok?;D
takecare guys
im here to tell you guys. i changed my blog le;D
please retagged me ok?;D
takecare guys
Hello, I've changed the blogskin to a very simple one. Maybe you all want to add in some colours or something?
We'll discuss in school tomorrow okay. I also need the class list, so that I can add in our names, register number & birthdays. + class commitee members info, subject reps.
I also need the playlist password, tagboard password yadayadayada. Sorry aye.
Okay, i'll add and edit more another day. Have to rush off for night tuition.
Which reminds me, my birthday is coming alreadyy!! 6 May :D
Grace grace grace grace grace grace.
We'll discuss in school tomorrow okay. I also need the class list, so that I can add in our names, register number & birthdays. + class commitee members info, subject reps.
I also need the playlist password, tagboard password yadayadayada. Sorry aye.
Okay, i'll add and edit more another day. Have to rush off for night tuition.
Grace grace grace grace grace grace.
Class Outing
This is suggested by one of the people in the class committee. :) Just helping her to bring across to the class. See if you all want.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
English Literature homework
hey ppl.
for E.lite, we have to write all characters in Mind your Language right??
QinLin is desperate for the answer.
for E.lite, we have to write all characters in Mind your Language right??
QinLin is desperate for the answer.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hey yoZz earthlinqss =)))
Qin Lin here =))
I found a blog skin that's quite nice..
and i hope that we could use this as our blog skin. =))
heys the url:
ppl in charge please give comments.
thanks =))
Qin Lin was here =))
Qin Lin here =))
I found a blog skin that's quite nice..
and i hope that we could use this as our blog skin. =))
heys the url:
ppl in charge please give comments.
thanks =))
Qin Lin was here =))
err people, mrs lim here. may i know why is there a spam tagboard? since we discourage spam, thk we shd remove that. :) the weather addition is nice, but better to show s'pore's weather instead of new york rt. haha!!
1 suggestion...we can use this space to put up the list of homework for the weekend on every fri, and also for the coming june hols. also any reminders abt projects etc. serve as a reminder for the class...a sort of class welfare too.
1 suggestion...we can use this space to put up the list of homework for the weekend on every fri, and also for the coming june hols. also any reminders abt projects etc. serve as a reminder for the class...a sort of class welfare too.
any disastifaction?
HI HI HI i added new playlist and some other weird gadgets like starwars photo, obama's words and weather forecast Is any1 unhappy wif the weird playlist i cr8 or any of the weird gadgets if u hav any disatisfaction or some song you would like me 2 add leave a comment :) i targeting 50 songs for playlist i hav 30 here le the last 20 u guys think of it
Friday, May 1, 2009
Lit homework
wanrong hre
hihihi..lols...juz dropped by to say hi...
anyways, hows the class t goin??o.o
any suggestions??
anyways, hows the class t goin??o.o
any suggestions??
i jus drop by to say hi!
OMG, i think im going to fail my science test la.
its difficult for me lor..
hmm, especially th nutrients question la.
im totally lost! LOL;D
hopefully, i'll pass as well as you guys!
study hard guys!
love you all. im RANDOM-.=
blog more next time(:
freda here!
OMG, i think im going to fail my science test la.
its difficult for me lor..
hmm, especially th nutrients question la.
im totally lost! LOL;D
hopefully, i'll pass as well as you guys!
study hard guys!
love you all. im RANDOM-.=
blog more next time(:
freda here!
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