Oops! I forgot to write who I was in the previous post!
I'm VeNiCe!=P
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hello guys! :)
Yo people! I'm back!:) I havent blogged for quite a period of time cos my mum's pretty strict with me cos my results are like.. hahas. Anyway, see you guys in sch tmr. i dont feel like going to sch! still feel like slacking. i bet u guys feel tat way too! =P Ok quite a short post but rushing for time here, so forgive and forget=) And wat wanrong say is rite! BLOG MORE PEOPLE!!!! show more enthusiasm guys! I noe i don blog much too but i tink a post frm everyone of u helps too u noe??? I bet everyone will be happy like dis rite? So 加油!!!:) See you guys soon!!!
Always missing you guys... :)
Always missing you guys... :)
normal chinese people look here!!!!!!
i wonder if the 24 assignments on hbl(home based learning)on chinese are compulsory.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Apparently next mon is YOUTH DAY so we dunnit to go to sch!!! dunnoe if there is e learning or whatsoever. YAY!! lols. please inform others, ppl !!! N pls post ppl. It's like when u login to this blog, u c most of my posts cause of all the announcements. More ppl post is always better :))))
Winnie here
heello. wanrong wanted me to post this. She just received a call saying from teacher. The HCL people, u can go to the link under HCL to do the assignment. dun nid to go to the geog there cos the assignment has been moved back to where it shld hav been. those who had done it earlier, sorry but u have to do it again. sorry! and it is not wanrong's fault so dun blame it on her. ok that all. if u dun understand me, msg me or ask thru msn also can. THANKS!
HCL assignment (n other subjects)
Okay. ppl from HCL. i noe that u guys cannot find the assignment to do today. I found out that 何老师 put the link in the wrong place so u guys juz login to egenie, then scroll down till u c "Geography Sec 1". Click on the link( i noe its weird) n u will c our HCL thing.
*if u nid to noe wad u shld complete for the day click on the links below. Other subjects apply.
CL-Sec1-HBL Lesson Plan (AYG Week).doc
HCL-Sec1-HBL Lesson Plan (AYG Week).doc
HIS-Sec1-HBL Lesson Plan (AYG Week).doc
EL-Sec1-HBL Lesson Plan (AYG Week).doc
u r supposed to read the lesson outlines (refer to attachments) before accessing moodle portal
*if u nid to noe wad u shld complete for the day click on the links below. Other subjects apply.
CL-Sec1-HBL Lesson Plan (AYG Week).doc
HCL-Sec1-HBL Lesson Plan (AYG Week).doc
HIS-Sec1-HBL Lesson Plan (AYG Week).doc
EL-Sec1-HBL Lesson Plan (AYG Week).doc
u r supposed to read the lesson outlines (refer to attachments) before accessing moodle portal
Sunday, June 28, 2009
hmbased learning
okay so ppl r askin bout wad ur supposed to learn for the homebased learning. the timetable for it is in the post below. juz click on the link. log in to moodle n ACP for more details. As for the e-learning from 29 June to 3 July, the time for e-learning has been changed from 8:00am to 4:00pm. After 4:00pm, the learning modules will not be accessible.
oh ya guys, please update your Email Address in user profile (refer to course categories: User Guide) cause our teacher will need to send us some things regarding the homebased learning.
p.s. sry for causing confusion guys.
wanrong :)
oh ya guys, please update your Email Address in user profile (refer to course categories: User Guide) cause our teacher will need to send us some things regarding the homebased learning.
p.s. sry for causing confusion guys.
wanrong :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
1)IMPORTANT!!! pls go to ACP (anglicanhigh website) or click on the link below to print out the travel declaration form (even if u nvr go overseas) and fill in the details. Inform others too. THX!!!
Travel Declaration Form (Students)-23.6.09.pdf
Bring the form when we return to sch on wed for the AYG
2) The timetable for semester 2 is out and cn be oso found at ACP or below (i think you cn print out cause dunno if the sch will print it for us)
Semester-2 Class Timetable (Sec 1-4).xls
3)And, during the AYG week, we will have Home-based Learning.
p.s. ACP stands for Anglican High Communication Portal.
Travel Declaration Form (Students)-23.6.09.pdf
Bring the form when we return to sch on wed for the AYG
2) The timetable for semester 2 is out and cn be oso found at ACP or below (i think you cn print out cause dunno if the sch will print it for us)
Semester-2 Class Timetable (Sec 1-4).xls
3)And, during the AYG week, we will have Home-based Learning.
Here are the details:
8am - 4pm
29 June 2009 (Monday)
30 June 2009 (Tuesday)
1 July 2009 (Wednesday)
2 July 2009 (Thursday)
3 July 2009 (Friday)
the link below is the timetable for the home base learning and other activities.
Oh, and apparently , our recess is with the Sec 2s now :D (shld be)
p.s. ACP stands for Anglican High Communication Portal.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
For HCL ppl
it's okay if u've alr done.
no harm.
何老师 will tell us wad to do tomo.
Dont be as silly as me..
rush thru all the 综合填空.
According to her, she said that we should do only a few chapters.
but she'll double check tomo when back to work and call us.
so yup.
leave the chinese e-learning aside for the time being.
Tht's it =))
Happie Holidays =))
qL here=)
it's okay if u've alr done.
no harm.
何老师 will tell us wad to do tomo.
Dont be as silly as me..
rush thru all the 综合填空.
According to her, she said that we should do only a few chapters.
but she'll double check tomo when back to work and call us.
so yup.
leave the chinese e-learning aside for the time being.
Tht's it =))
Happie Holidays =))
qL here=)
wanrong hre!
Mrs lim posted sumthing on her blog. as for the bb ball thing, hre's wad u need to noe:
report to school on 1 jul (wed) 8.30am (ignore the 9am in the previous post) to watch AYG games. bring along ur ODTS (thermometer) and be in proper school attire (PE shirts allowed with shorts/skirts with school shoes).
is compulsory
report to school on 1 jul (wed) 8.30am (ignore the 9am in the previous post) to watch AYG games. bring along ur ODTS (thermometer) and be in proper school attire (PE shirts allowed with shorts/skirts with school shoes).
is compulsory
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ya the learning journeys r postponed (not known till when) and pls go to anglican webbie (nt egenie) n login 4 more info.(user n password is ur NRIC)
As when sch reopens, our form teacher n co-form teacher will be sumone else. The form teacher i nt sure hu but the co-form shld be the HCL teacher, 何老师.
The e-learning is nxt wk n 4 those hu ald went to moodle, the science ws on photosynthesis n respiration if u did the whole ws ald then its okay. 4 those hu only do photosynthesis, continue doin the parts on respiration.(cause we ald hv the ws)
There will b a lot of upcoming events durin these 2 wks, so pls go to egenie n the anglican website.
4 the bb ball event(AYG I think) thingy on wed, im nt very sure but i think it is compulsory n we shld report to sch at 9am on that day. this i cannot confirm but i noe that our new form n co-form teachers will be callin u guys to tell us bout it, so juz ask them if u nt sure.
Anyways what i wrote is juz 4 nw. If thre is any changes i will post again. Pls find a way to inform our classmates, especially those hu dun come to our class blog.
THX!!!! i noe u r very confused, but i am too, so sry if u nt sure. juz msg me n i will tell u more bout it.sry.
wanrong=] (STAY HAPPY!!!)
As when sch reopens, our form teacher n co-form teacher will be sumone else. The form teacher i nt sure hu but the co-form shld be the HCL teacher, 何老师.
The e-learning is nxt wk n 4 those hu ald went to moodle, the science ws on photosynthesis n respiration if u did the whole ws ald then its okay. 4 those hu only do photosynthesis, continue doin the parts on respiration.(cause we ald hv the ws)
There will b a lot of upcoming events durin these 2 wks, so pls go to egenie n the anglican website.
4 the bb ball event(AYG I think) thingy on wed, im nt very sure but i think it is compulsory n we shld report to sch at 9am on that day. this i cannot confirm but i noe that our new form n co-form teachers will be callin u guys to tell us bout it, so juz ask them if u nt sure.
Anyways what i wrote is juz 4 nw. If thre is any changes i will post again. Pls find a way to inform our classmates, especially those hu dun come to our class blog.
THX!!!! i noe u r very confused, but i am too, so sry if u nt sure. juz msg me n i will tell u more bout it.sry.
wanrong=] (STAY HAPPY!!!)
Postpone of the learning journey
According to Wan Rong, she said that next week's learning journey will be all postponed. (Hydroponics Farm and Fort Canning)
Thank You (:
According to Wan Rong, she said that next week's learning journey will be all postponed. (Hydroponics Farm and Fort Canning)
Thank You (:
Monday, June 22, 2009
uh juz to let u guys noe... 4 the heymath, thre are two online tests.
Juz go in heymath and click on heymath benchmarks 2009(sumthing lyke that) then do the test.
If nt sure juz go n check ur msg in heymath to noe more. okays. enough of hmwork.
wish everyone happy holidays!!!(we've got 1 Xtra wk =]) and stay healthy!!!
keep this blog alive!!!! :)))))))))))
Juz go in heymath and click on heymath benchmarks 2009(sumthing lyke that) then do the test.
If nt sure juz go n check ur msg in heymath to noe more. okays. enough of hmwork.
wish everyone happy holidays!!!(we've got 1 Xtra wk =]) and stay healthy!!!
keep this blog alive!!!! :)))))))))))
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hola actualizo el blog. Por qué es usted personas tan muerto dentro de debe actualizar más(in spanish)
Bitte aktualisieren Sie mehr vor den Blogswürfeln(in german)
lol i found smth lame:D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1oV_MzzNSk&feature=fvst
for all of u ppl hu enjoy asian dramas....
another lame vid for ppl hu watched twilighthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goix7jFXD9Q&feature=fvst smth lamer den the 1st YAY
Bitte aktualisieren Sie mehr vor den Blogswürfeln(in german)
lol i found smth lame:D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1oV_MzzNSk&feature=fvst
for all of u ppl hu enjoy asian dramas....
another lame vid for ppl hu watched twilighthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goix7jFXD9Q&feature=fvst smth lamer den the 1st YAY
Thursday, June 11, 2009
5 short not so scary horror vids i searched many for 2 hrs a lot are dam scary i put a few not so scary but hav a bit kik if u see at nite here happy viewing
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
How to make fruit salad soup...
1)get a sofa
2)get a bowl
3) buy cooking oil
4)get a watermelon
5)get a pineapple
6)get an apple
7)get an orange
8)get 7 bananas
9)hammer the bananas into the watermelon with the pineapple
10)eat the apple
11)use the couch and crush the orange
12)put the orange juice and banana watermelon mix in the bowl
13)pour 200 ml of cooking oil in the bowl
14)place your feet in the bowl for 20 min
15)fry the horrible mixture
16)put your cellphone in the mixture
17)learn spanish
18)put your head in the bowl for 10 min
19)boil the mixture with 300ml soya sauce
20)drink it
WARNING: you may have severe stomach problems, severe brain tumors and even result in death!!!
by ur chef: bawb
Picture is easier.
Bob the builder say must at least have two posts so I am back here again cos i seriously have nothing to do ): I really dunno what i can do. Cos I am... grounded. I bet some of you dont even know the feeling of being grounded cos you all have never been grounded. Its very boring. Cant go anywhere. Not exactly but somewhere near that. Can anyone like list out the events that are gonna happen? like the trip to the farm or sth? cos i cant rmb. NeverMind. Just do it if you can. when you are free. i think if i have the time, i am gonna make a column for the birthdays thingy. okie. whatever. I am very tired. So now i am going to sleep again.(its only 10.20am) and i woke up 2 hrs ago. Lastly for all those going overseas, TAKE CARE!
I think u can figure out who i am already. Its very very obvious. okie thats all. Bye for now!

Monday, June 8, 2009

20 ThInGs 2 dO bY nExT wEeK .
1)eat a pencil
2)eat all ur homework
3)go to singapore great sales!!
4)post 2 posts on this blog
5)watch channel8 9pm show on weekdays
6)eat a book!!
7)do two-third of your homework
8)run around NTUC and shout HI to everyone
9)buy another bottle of soap and drink it
10)save all the pencils u have so u can eat them
11)go to singapore zoo and lock yourself with the monkeys for 1 day
12)go to the road and pick up as much litter as possible and recycle them and put all the un-recycable ones in your neighbours newsletter box
13)watch every episode of bob the builder!!
14)revise your work/brush up ur studies .... and your teeth LOL
15)order viva pizza 2 for $19.90!!
16)chew 100g of gum and try fitting it in your nose
17)read a good book or at least eat one
18)be more active drink more coffee then try bungie jumping
19)clean your ears properly ....with chopsticks
20)last but not least- treasure every moment you have ...by the time you realise you have read my posts you would realise that time is valuable and you just wasted a lot of time reading this post HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You know who i am rite???base on the pic....
HI I aM nOt hU yOu tHiNk i aM l0L I aM nOt uR UnClEs tURbaN nO i aM nOt sUperMAN == I aM nOt tHE fRyInG pAn In uR kITcHEn I aM nOT ThE tOilET pApEr U jUsT uSeD ...i aM ReGiStEr no. 24 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z hOliDAy liao y u all so like lifeless le. Be MORE happy and do these 5 things
1)Say Hi
2)EaT A pencil
3)write on this blog hw the pencil tasted
4)go out and play
5)burn ur homework JKJK dont do that!!
1)Say Hi
2)EaT A pencil
3)write on this blog hw the pencil tasted
4)go out and play
5)burn ur homework JKJK dont do that!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
winlame compress music
just reduce its bitrate to 64kbps.drag n drop files then
go n download winlame
go n download winlame
About the hols!!!
Hello, one loyalties
All of you seemed to be very bored in the hols! Why? Issit
the fact that you missed the teachers in school? Haha, i dun thinkie
so!! Just kidding!
BTW, hows everyone, fine? Some may be happy, some may be sad..
BECAUSE some ppl including me, was scolded by my parents for
not VERY good results:(. But, congrats to those who got very high
grades!!! Lets strive hard and give our best!
TAg and WrItE More... To keep the blog Alive!!
Reg no. 22
All of you seemed to be very bored in the hols! Why? Issit
the fact that you missed the teachers in school? Haha, i dun thinkie
so!! Just kidding!
BTW, hows everyone, fine? Some may be happy, some may be sad..
BECAUSE some ppl including me, was scolded by my parents for
not VERY good results:(. But, congrats to those who got very high
grades!!! Lets strive hard and give our best!
TAg and WrItE More... To keep the blog Alive!!
Reg no. 22
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Winnie hereee
Hi guys! How are u guys getting on with your june holidays? Boring? LOLS. i kinda miss school right now and i dun noe why. its hard to believe that we are not going to be seeing each other daily till the second week of july.its only 4th of june and i am already VERY boring at home. rememeber! even though its the june holidays but i think we shld also continue to study(: no point slacking if u wan good grades. ERM. i am ok with the changing back of the URL. and i cant tag or even see the tagbox becos there is sth wrong with my computer and i dun noe why. oh another thing. venice suggested tat we have a class gathering and i find its kind of a good idea but then like can anyone organise it? do u guys wan a chalet? but i think it shld be fully booked by now tho. so how? anyone welfares wan to like start organising? once someone starts others can start helping too. ok. whatever. think about it ya? and is anyone going to change the blogskin? anyone? li ning? or grace? June holidays got lots of time ma. Okie? thats all for now. Bye!
The URL thing
Some of u said u wanna change the URL ryt??
I think i'l do it =))
But before I change just leave it for a few days with "rox" so that everyone can see this notice =))
So can I change on 9 June??
So by the 10th, it'll be bac to our original URL: www.ahsloyaltyohnine.blogspot.com
Is that okay?
Pls tag at the tagboard =))
This is Qin Lin =))
Some of u said u wanna change the URL ryt??
I think i'l do it =))
But before I change just leave it for a few days with "rox" so that everyone can see this notice =))
So can I change on 9 June??
So by the 10th, it'll be bac to our original URL: www.ahsloyaltyohnine.blogspot.com
Is that okay?
Pls tag at the tagboard =))
This is Qin Lin =))
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hey peeps =]
this is qinlin and wanrong here =]
i noe u r excited to c us here... but...
do u all wanna change the url back to http://ahsloyaltyohnine.blogspot.com/ ??
pls reply at the tagboard =]=]=]
this is qinlin and wanrong here =]
i noe u r excited to c us here... but...
do u all wanna change the url back to http://ahsloyaltyohnine.blogspot.com/ ??
pls reply at the tagboard =]=]=]
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