Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Picture is easier.
Bob the builder say must at least have two posts so I am back here again cos i seriously have nothing to do ): I really dunno what i can do. Cos I am... grounded. I bet some of you dont even know the feeling of being grounded cos you all have never been grounded. Its very boring. Cant go anywhere. Not exactly but somewhere near that. Can anyone like list out the events that are gonna happen? like the trip to the farm or sth? cos i cant rmb. NeverMind. Just do it if you can. when you are free. i think if i have the time, i am gonna make a column for the birthdays thingy. okie. whatever. I am very tired. So now i am going to sleep again.(its only 10.20am) and i woke up 2 hrs ago. Lastly for all those going overseas, TAKE CARE!
I think u can figure out who i am already. Its very very obvious. okie thats all. Bye for now!

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