20 ThInGs 2 dO bY nExT wEeK .
1)eat a pencil
2)eat all ur homework
3)go to singapore great sales!!
4)post 2 posts on this blog
5)watch channel8 9pm show on weekdays
6)eat a book!!
7)do two-third of your homework
8)run around NTUC and shout HI to everyone
9)buy another bottle of soap and drink it
10)save all the pencils u have so u can eat them
11)go to singapore zoo and lock yourself with the monkeys for 1 day
12)go to the road and pick up as much litter as possible and recycle them and put all the un-recycable ones in your neighbours newsletter box
13)watch every episode of bob the builder!!
14)revise your work/brush up ur studies .... and your teeth LOL
15)order viva pizza 2 for $19.90!!
16)chew 100g of gum and try fitting it in your nose
17)read a good book or at least eat one
18)be more active drink more coffee then try bungie jumping
19)clean your ears properly ....with chopsticks
20)last but not least- treasure every moment you have ...by the time you realise you have read my posts you would realise that time is valuable and you just wasted a lot of time reading this post HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You know who i am rite???base on the pic....